Library Office Hours
Monday - Friday
11 am to 5 pm
Course Readings
BG502 Greek II (Please contact the librarian for the pdf version)
BH502 Hebrew II
CH502/702 Reformation & Awakening
- The Story of Christianity Vol. 2
- Church and Politics during the English Reformation (Please contact the librarian)
- Christianity through the Centuries : A History of the Christian church (contact the librarian)
- The Protestant Reformation (contact the librarian)
EM502/702 Lifespan Development & Learning
- Nurture That Is Christian
- The Reciprocating Self
- The Cultural Nature of Human Development
- Christian Formation
- Stages of Faith
- Women's Way of Knowing (contact the librarian)
- Life-Span Development (contact the librarian)
ME503/703 Church Growth
- Understanding Church Growth (contact the librarian)
- Biblical Church Growth
ME504/704 Cross-Cultural Ministry
- Cross-Cultural Connections
- Ministering Cross-Culturally
- Cross-Cultural Conflict (contact the librarian)
ME753 Urban Ministry and Evangelism (Independent Study)
NT502 Acts & Pauline Epistles
OT502/703 Prophets
PM502 Pastoral Care & Counseling
- Basic Types of and Pastoral Care and Counseling
- Five Smooth Stones for Pastoral Work (contact the librarian)
- Toughest People to Love: How to Understand, Lead, and Love the Difficult People in Your Life (contact the librarian)
- The skilled helper (p.106-120)
- Trauma and Recovery (p. 33-95)
- The wounded healer: ministry in contemporary society
- On Death and Dying (p. 51-146)
- St. Gregory the Great, Pastoral Care
PM505 Peacebuilding
- Building Peace: sustainable reconciliation in divided societies
- Engaging the Powers: Discernment and Resistance in a World of Domination (contact the librarian)
- Reconcile: Conflict Transformation for Ordinary Christian
- Making Peace with Fire: Harnessing Conflict to Transform Your Relationships (contact the librarian)
- Resolving Identity-Based Conflict: in Nations, Organizations and Communities (contact the librarian)
PM703 Team Building
- The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
- Teams That Thrive : Five Disciplines of Collaborative Church Leadership
- Leader-Coach. Developing Effective Ministry Teams
PR502 Expository Preaching
- The Four Pages of the Sermon, Revised and Updated
- The Power of Multi-Sensory Preaching and Teaching
- Preaching with Cultural Intelligence
PT501/701 Apologetics
RM702 Research Methodology II (Please contact the librarian)
- A Manual for Writers of Research Papers by Kate Turabian (9th edition) (Ch. 5)
- Research Design by John W. Creswell (4th Edition) (Ch. 1, 2, 10)
- Introducing Research Methodology by Flick, U. (3rd ed.) (Ch. 5)
- Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods by Patton, M. Q. (4th ed.) (Ch.8)
- Social Research Methods by Bryman, A. (5th ed.) (Ch. 12)
- The Practice of Social Research by Babbie, E. (14th ed.) (Ch. 4, 7, 10, 13, 14, 16)
ST502 Doctrine of God & Man
- Show Me Your Glory by Steven, J Lawson (contact the librarian)
- Systematic Theology
ST508/708 Patristic Theology
BG101 Greek I
- Please check the course syllabus
BH101 Hebrew I
CH101 Church History I
- The Story of Christianity. Vol 1 (Please contact the librarian)
- The Untold Story of the New Testament Church
EM101 Foundations of Educational Ministry
- Foundational Issues in Christian Education
- Introducing Christian Education
- So What Makes Our Teaching Christian?
- Principles and Practices of Christian Education: An Evangelical Perspective
- Exploring the History and Philosophy of Christian Education: Principles for the 21st Century
- Philosophy & Education: An Introduction in Christian Perspective (2006) (1998) (1989) all versions are acceptable
- A Theology for Christian Education
ME101/501 Cultural Anthropology
- Cultural Anthropology
- Anthropological Insights for Missionaries (ThM and DMin only)
ME102 Biblical Theology of Mission
- The mission of God's people : a biblical theology of the church's mission
- The Open Secret (Proquest)
- Christian mission in the modern world
ME104/504 Contemporary Social Issues
MT702 Missiological Seminar B: Doing Theology in Contexts
- Anthropological Insights for Missionaries
- Christianity in Culture: a study in Dynamic biblical Theologizing in Cross-Cultural Perspectives
- Issues Facing Christians Today
- Practicing Theological Interpretation
- Contextualization in the New Testament Patterns for Theology and Mission
- Transforming Worldviews An Anthropological Understanding of how People Change
NT 101 New Testament I
OT101/501 Pentateuch
PM101 Pastoral Theology and Ministry
- Lectures to My Students by Charles Spurgeon (Vol 1) and (Vol 3)
- The Reformed Pastor by Richard Baxter
- Under the Unpredictable Plant: An Exploration in Vocational Holiness (Please contact the librarian)
PM501/701 Spiritual Formation of a Christian Leader
- Desiring God’s Will
- Surrender to Love
- How people change
- Renovation of the Heart : Putting on the Character of Christ
- Sacred Rhythms
- Christian Spiritual Formation
PR101 Homiletics
PT502 Theological Reflection in an Age of Technology
- Please check the course syllabus
RM00/01 Research Methodology/Formatting
- A Manual for Writers of Research Papers
- An introduction to theological research: A guide for college and seminary students
- Research Design by John W. Creswell
- Fundamentals of Qualitative Research
RM701 Research Methodology/Literature Review (Please contact the librarian for all the course readings below)
- Writing Literature Reviews: A Guide for Students of the Social and Behavioral Sciences
- The Literature Review: Six Steps to Success
- The Craft of Research (4th ed.).
- The Literature Review: A Step-by-Step Guide for Students
- Doing a Literature Review: Releasing the Research Imagination
- A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations
- Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches (4th ed.).
ST101 Prolegomena & Hermeneutics
ST104 Doc. of Hs, Ch & Last Things
- Berkhof's systematic theology
- The Meaning of the millennium : four views (2021)
- Are miraculous gifts for today? : four views (2022)
- When Narcissism Comes to Church (2023)
- Faith Seeking Understanding, Fourth ed (2024)
- Majority World Theology : Christian Doctrine in Global Context (2024)
ST501 Doctrine of Sanctification
BG102 Greek II
- Please check the course syllabus
BH102 Hebrew II
CH102 Reformation & Awakening
- The Story of Christianity Vol. 2
- Christianity through the centuries : a history of the Christian church
- Church and Politics during the English Reformation (ask the librarian)
- The Protestant Reformation (ask the librarian)
EM102 Lifespan Development & Learning
- Nurture That Is Christian
- The Reciprocating Self
- The Cultural Nature of Human Development
- Christian Formation
- Stages of Faith
- Women's Way of Knowing (ask the librarian)
- Adult learning : linking theory and practice
- Brain-based learning (ask the librarian)
ME102 Biblical Theology of Mission
- The mission of God's people : a biblical theology of the church's mission
- The Open Secret
- Christian mission in the modern world
ME104/504 Church Growth
ME105/505 Cross-Cultural Ministry
NT102 Acts & Pauline Epistles
NT506 Introduction to NT Christology
- Please check the course syllabus
OT102/502 Prophets
PM102 Pastoral Care & Counseling
- Basic Types of and Pastoral Care and Counseling
- Pastoral Care and Counseling, Redefining the Paradigms
- Dictionary of Pastoral Care and Counseling (DPCC)
- The skilled helper (p.106-120)
- Trauma and Recovery (p. 33-95) (ask the librarian)
- Hope in pastoral care and counseling
- The wounded healer; ministry in contemporary society
- On Death and Dying (p. 51-146) (ask the librarian)
- St. Gregory the Great, Pastoral Care (p. 23-88) (ask the librarian)
PM103 Leadership & Administration
- Spiritual Leadership: Moving People on to God's Agenda
- Being Leaders: The Nature of Authentic Christian Leadership
- Practicing Greatness: 7 Disciplines of Extraordinary Spiritual Leaders
PM501 Spiritual Formation of a Christian Leader
- Desiring God’s Will
- Surrender to Love
- How people change
- Renovation of the Heart : Putting on the Character of Christ
PM503 Team Building
- The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
- Teams That Thrive : Five Disciplines of Collaborative Church Leadership
- Leader-Coach. Developing Effective Ministry Teams
PM505 Peacebuilding
- Building Peace
- Working with conflict : skills and strategies for action (2023)
- The combat trauma healing manual : Christ-centered solutions for combat trauma (2023 - Please ask the librarian)
PM508 Approach in Leadership
PR102 Expository Preaching
- Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages
- Christ-centered preaching: redeeming the expository sermon
- Preaching with Cultural Intelligence
- The Four Pages of the Sermon, Revised and Updated (Proquest)
- The Four Pages of the Sermon ( 1999 version
- The Power of Multi-Sensory Preaching and Teaching
PT101 Apologetics
PT102/502B Faith and Science
RM02 Research Methodology II
- A Manual for Writers of Research Papers
- An introduction to theological research: A guide for college and seminary students
- Research Design by John W. Creswell
- Qualitative research : a guide to design and implementation
- Constructing grounded theory : a practical guide through qualitative analysis
- American Psychological Association.
- Exploring Research
- Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics
- Interpreting basic statistics
ST102 Doctrine of God & Man
ST108/506 Evangelicals and Postmodernism
BG103: Introduction to Greek Exegesis
- Please check the course syllabus
BH103: Intro to OT Exegisis (Hebrew III)
CH103 History III: Early Modern Church History/ CH503 Global Church in History
- The next Christendom: the coming of global Christianity
- The Lost History of Christianity
- Untold Story of the New Testament Church
- The Emergence of the Church: Context, Growth, Leadership & Worship
- History of the World Christian Movement: Earliest Christianity to 1453
- A Global History of Christians: How Everyday Believers Experienced Their World
- A History in Asia, V. 1: Beginnings to 1500
- The Church of the East: Apostolic & Orthodox (Please ask the librarian)
- The Church of the East edited by John Holzmann (Ask the librarian)
EM103: Effective Teaching and Learning
- The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher's Life (Proquest - unlimited access)
- Teaching to Change Lives: Seven Proven Ways to Make Your Teaching Come Alive
- Teaching to Change Lives (
- Teaching Cross-Culturally: An Incarnational Model for Learning and Teaching
- The Craft of Christian Teaching: Essentials for Becoming a Very Good Teacher
- Creative Teaching Methods (Proquest - unlimited access)
- Creative Teaching Methods: Be an Effective Christian Teacher (
- Adult learning : linking theory and practice (Proquest - unlimited access)
- Adult learning: Linking Theory and practice (
ET101/501 Ethics & Social Issues
ME106/506 Evangelical Theology & World Religions
ME108/508 Evangelism & Church Planting
- The Master Plan of Evangelism (unlimited version)
- The Master Plan of Evangelism
- Global Church Planting
- Global Church Planting (unlimited version)
ME500: Role of Spiritual Warfare in Christian Life and Ministry
- The Steps to Freedom in Christ. 3rd edition (
- 3 Crucial Questions about Spiritual Warfare
- Deep Wounds, Deep Healing (
- Letting God Be Judge - Ask the librarian (
NT103 NT Theology
- Please check the course syllabus
OT103B Wisdom Books/ OT503 Wealth and Poverty in Wisdom Books
- Old Testament Wisdom Literature : A Theological Introduction
- An Introduction to Wisdom Literature: The Wisdom of Proverbs, Job & Ecclesiastes.
- Social and Economic Life in Second Temple Judea
- Interpreting the Wisdom Books : An Exegetical Handbook
PM103 Leadership & Administration
- Spiritual Leadership: Moving People on to God's Agenda
- Being Leaders: The Nature of Authentic Christian Leadership
- Practicing Greatness: 7 Disciplines of Extraordinary Spiritual Leaders
PM106 Presbyterian Polity
- Book of Order - The Constitution of. the Presbyterian Church (U.SA.), Part II
- Presbyterian Polity for Church Leaders
PM503: Building and Working with Teams
- The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
- Teams That Thrive : Five Disciplines of Collaborative Church Leadership
- Leader-Coach. Developing Effective Ministry Teams
PM504 Mentoring
- Mentoring: Confidence in Finding a Mentor and Becoming One
- Connecting: The Mentoring Relationships You Need To Succeed in Life
- The Mentor Handbook—Detailed Guidelines and Helps for Christian Mentors and Mentorees.
PR103 Senior Preaching
- Between two worlds : the art of preaching in the twentieth century (1982)
- Models for Biblical Preaching, Expository Sermons from the Old Testament (2014)
- Handbook of Contemporary Preaching (1992)
- Design for Preaching (1958)
- Prophetic Preaching: A Pastoral Approach
- Postcolonial Preaching: Creating a Ripple Effect (Please ask the librarian)
PT102 Apologetics
- Mere apologetics : how to help seekers and skeptics find faith
- Humble Apologetics : Defending the Faith Today (DMin and ThM only)
RM02 Research Methodology II
- A Manual for Writers of Research Papers
- An introduction to theological research: A guide for college and seminary students
- Research Design by John W. Creswell
- Qualitative research : a guide to design and implementation
- Constructing grounded theory : a practical guide through qualitative analysis
ST103 Doctrine of Christ & Salvation
- Fall Quarter 2020 Ebooks
- Winter Quarter 2021 Ebooks
- Spring Quarter 2021 Ebooks
- Fall Quarter 2021 Ebooks
- Winter Quarter 2022 Ebooks
- Spring Quarter 2022 Ebooks
- Fall Quarter 2022 Ebooks
- Winter Quarter 2023 Ebooks
- Spring Quarter 2023 Ebooks
- Fall Quarter 2023 Ebooks
- Winter Quarter 2024 Ebooks
- Spring Quarter 2024 Ebooks
- Fall Quarter 2024 Ebooks